Self-Treatment Methods To Reduce Your Pain
By understanding the power of self-healing, you will embrace the dynamic possibilities of myofascial self-treatment techniques designed to alleviate your specific pain and restricted range of motion. Here's a simple yet effective method to get started with Myofascial Release Self-Treatment Therapy:
- Find a comfortable spot where you can lay down or lean against an object that applies a gentle pressure onto your body.
- Grab a towel, fold it in half and roll it up.
- Position yourself in a chair that reclines or lie flat on your back. You might need a pillow under your head or knees to reduce tension in your lower back.
- Place the rolled towel horizontally across your upper back.
- Lean back gently, allowing your body to completely relax. Close your eyes, focus on the area where the towel is placed, and let your body go limp. Enjoy this soothing feeling for at least five minutes.
- Move the towel to another part of your back. Look for areas that feel hot, hard or tender. Spend at least five minutes on each area.
- Explore various positions for your arms and legs. You could lay on your hands, cross your legs, or even stretch them apart - whatever feels good for you.
- Continue this method across your entire back, neck and hip areas.

We recommend practicing these self-treatment techniques at least once a day. Over time, you will notice a softening of the tissue, reduced pain, and an overall improvement in your well-being.
Remember, understanding your body comes with time and patience. Enjoy the journey of self-discovery and healing!